You may be wondering why there is a beer review on a blog dedicated to fitness, diet, and health. I've loved beer and trying new brews for a long time and if I'm going to expend some of my precious daily calories on beer I want to make sure that it is worth it. I've nobly decided to share my experiences with you so you can make an informed decision about your precious calories. I don't have a refined set of beer tasting skills so, I won't be going on about bouquet and mouth feel. I may make a formal rating system at some point but for now I'll just go with my gut. Just because I like to exercise doesn't mean I have to stop liking beer!
Well I have to say this is a rarity for me! How often do you get to try a beer from Ethiopia? When I ordered this beer at a restaurant in Berlin (Ethiopian of course). I had read a review of the restaurant where someone mentioned they had a really good stout while there. I asked the waiter while he was taking our drink order if they had any dark beer on the menu like a stout or a dunkel. He replied by saying, "No, all the beers we have are like German beers ... tastes like piss". I was surprised but ordered a beer anyways. After the waiter left I asked what my wife what he said which was actually, "tastes like pils" ... a very amusing moment for me!
Anyways on to the beer! The bottle was pretty interesting with, as one might expect, St. George slaying a dragon on the front. The beer was a golden color and the head on it didn't last for long. The beer tasted grainy and a bit malty as well. There was a very small amount of flavor from hops. Overall a decent taste but not memorable.
The beer was 4.5% alcohol which is pretty low. From what I found online there are 135 calories for a 12 oz serving so definitely safe for your diet. Although it tasted decent, I wouldn't recommend this beer unless you are trying to drink beers from around the world and want to get Ethiopia marked off your list.
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